Privacy Policy

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Seojin Automotive (hereinafter referred to as "Seojin Automotive Industry") values the personal information of all users, making every effort to effectively manage and securely protect user information. Seojin Automotive complies with various regulations related to personal information protection, including the "Personal Information Protection Act," and has established a privacy policy accessible to users through its website for easy reference.

In case of any discrepancies between the general privacy policy and the individual privacy policies of each business unit, the specific privacy policy of each business unit takes precedence.

1.1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to information about a living individual, including but not limited to names, email addresses, through which the individual can be identified by signs, characters, voice, sound, images, biometric features, etc. Even if the information alone cannot identify a specific individual, it is included if it can easily identify the individual when combined with other information.

1.2 Importance of Personal Information

Seojin Automotive places importance on the personal information of users and complies with various regulations related to the protection of personal information.

1.3. Purpose and Method of Personal Information Processing

Seojin Automotive provides information on how user-provided personal information is used and the measures taken to protect personal information through the privacy policy.

1.4. Changes to Privacy Policy

Seojin Automotive's privacy policy may be subject to changes based on legal requirements or operational policies. Users will be promptly notified of any changes on the website.

Chapter 2 Collection and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Seojin Automotive processes personal information for the following purposes, and the collected information is not used for any other purposes. In the event of a change in the purpose of use, separate consent will be obtained from the user.

2.1. Goods or Services Provision

Provision of services, sending contracts/invoices, content delivery, personalized service provision, self-authentication, age verification, etc.

2.2. Complaint Handling

Confirmation of complainant's identity, confirmation of complaints, contact/notification for fact-finding, notification of processing results, etc.

Chapter 3 Items and Methods of Collecting Personal Information

Seojin Automotive collects the minimum necessary personal information for membership registration and service provision. The company may selectively request additional information for statistical analysis or prize provision during surveys or events within the company.

3.1. Items of Personal Information Collected

1) General Membership Registration
-Required items: Name, contact information, date of birth
-Optional items: Address, email address, workplace name, workplace address, workplace phone number

2) Information generated and collected during service usage or business processing
-Service usage time/records, access logs, content usage, cookies, IP addresses, payment records

3.2. Methods of Personal Information Collection

1) Information entered by users during website visits, membership registration, event participation, etc.
2) Information generated or provided during service usage or business processing, collected through collaboration with partner companies, or collected through information collection tools.

Chapter 4 Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

Personal information is promptly destroyed when the purpose of collection and use is achieved. However, if retention is required by applicable laws, the information will be retained for the specified period. The company may retain certain information for internal purposes to prevent confusion in protecting non-individual personal information from theft.

4.1. Internal Policy-based Information Retention

Retention items: Name, service usage records
-Retention basis: Prevention of confusion in protecting non-individual personal information

4.2. Information Retention According to Applicable Laws

-Retention items: Name, login ID, payment information, service usage records, payment records (upon withdrawal)
-Retention basis: Consumer protection laws related to e-commerce

4.3. Retention periods:

-Records related to contracts or withdrawal: 5 years (Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce)
-Records related to payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce)
-Records related to consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce)-Records related to self
-verification: 6 months (Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection)

Chapter 5 Matters Regarding Third-Party Provision of Personal Information

Seojin Automotive uses the personal information of users within the scope specified in the privacy policy and does not share or provide it beyond the specified scope. However, personal information may be provided to third parties in the following cases:

5.1. With separate consent from the information subject.

5.2. When required by specific regulations or to comply with legal obligations.

5.3. When the information subject or legal representative is unable to express intent or obtain consent due to inability to contact or unknown address, and it is deemed necessary for the urgent protection of life, body, property, etc., of the information subject or a third party.

5.4. For statistical compilation, academic research, etc., when necessary, and personal information is provided in a form that cannot identify specific individuals.

5.5. When it is necessary to perform tasks delegated by law if not providing personal information page 3 for purposes other than the intended purpose or to a third party would prevent the performance of tasks specified by other laws.

5.6. When necessary to provide to foreign governments or international organizations for compliance with treaties and other international agreements./h4>

5.7. For the investigation and indictment of crimes and the execution of penalties and protective dispositions.

5.8. For the performance of court duties.

5.9. For the execution of sentences, parole, and protective dispositions.

Chapter 6 Matters Regarding the Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing

Seojin Automotive entrusts the following personal information to provide better services, and regarding the consignees, manages compliance with relevant laws and guidelines, information protection and confidentiality, prohibition of third-party provision, responsibility in case of incidents, and obligations such as the immediate return/destruction of personal information upon the expiration of the consignment period through 'Outsourcing Agreement' and other means.

Chapter 7 Matters Regarding the Destruction of Personal Information

Seojin Automotive, as a general practice, promptly destroys personal information once the purposes of collection and use have been achieved. The process and methods of destruction are as follows: If there is a need to continue retaining personal information in accordance with other legal requirements, the information will be transferred to a separate database or stored in a different location for preservation.

7.1. Destruction Procedure

Seojin Automotive selects the personal information for destruction when the grounds for disposal arise and obtains approval from Seojin Automotive's Data Protection Officer before proceeding with the destruction.

7.2. Destruction Method

Seojin Automotive ensures that electronically recorded personal information is irreversibly destroyed, making it impossible to reproduce. Personal information recorded or stored on paper documents is shredded or incinerated for destruction.

7.3. Destruction Timeline

In the event that the retention period for user's personal information has expired or when the personal information is deemed unnecessary after achieving the purpose of processing, Seojin Automotive destroys the personal information within 10 days from the end of the retention period or within 10 days from the date it is determined that the personal information is no longer needed.

Chapter 8 Measures for Ensuring the Security of Personal Information

Seojin Automotive implements the following measures to ensure the security of personal information:

8.1. Administrative Measures

Establishment and enforcement of internal management plans, Regular training for employees.

8.2. Technical Measures

Access control management for personal information processing systems, Installation of access control systems, Encryption of unique identification information and other sensitive data, Installation of security programs.

8.3. Physical Measures

Access control for computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.

Chapter 9 Information Regarding the Personal Information Protection Officer

Seojin Automotive oversees and takes responsibility for tasks related to the processing of personal information. To address complaints, grievances, and remedies related to the processing of personal information, Seojin Automotive has designated a Personal Information Protection Officer. Users can contact the Personal Information Protection Officer and the relevant department for any inquiries or issues related to personal information protection that arise while using Seojin Automotive's services. Seojin Automotive is committed to promptly responding to and addressing inquiries from information subjects.

9.1. Personal Information Protection Officer:

- Name: Hojin Ahn
- Contact: +82 31-496-1522

9.2. Personal Information Protection Contact:

- Name: Hojin Ahn
- Contact: +82 31-496-1522

Chapter 10 Remedies for Violation of Rights

Users can inquire about remedies and consultations for personal information breaches from the following institutions. The following institutions operate independently of Seojin Automotive and, if users are dissatisfied with Seojin Automotive's handling of personal information complaints or need more detailed assistance, they are encouraged to contact these institutions:

10.1. Personal Information Breach Report Center (Operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency)

- Website:
- Phone: 118 (without area code)
- Address: Korea Internet & Security Agency, Personal Information Breach Report Center, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

10.2. Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee (Operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency) Jurisdiction: Personal Information Dispute Resolution Application, Group Dispute Resolution (Civil Resolution)

- Website:
- Phone: 118 (without area code)
- Address: Korea Internet & Security Agency, Personal Information Breach Report Center, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

10.3. Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber Crime Investigation Division:

- Phone: 02-3480-3573 (

10.4.National Police Agency Cyber Terrorism Response Center:

- Phone: 1566-0112 (

Chapter 11 Matters Regarding Changes to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is effective from the enforcement date, and in the case of additional, deleted, or corrected content changes according to laws and policies, the changes will be notified through the announcement section seven days prior to the effective date.

Chapter 12 Matters Regarding the Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Collection Devices for Personal Information

Seojin Automotive's website may use cookies to provide PC-based services. Cookies are small text files sent by the server operating the website to the user's browser and stored on the user's computer for faster and more convenient website usage, supporting personalized services.

12.1. What are Cookies?

Cookies are very small text files sent by the server operating the website to the user's browser and stored on the user's computer.

12.2. Purpose of Use

To provide personalized and customized services, we use cookies to store and retrieve user information regularly. When a user visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookies stored on the user's device to maintain user preferences and deliver personalized services. Cookies enable users to connect to the website and use it conveniently according to their configured settings. Additionally, cookies are utilized to optimize advertisements and provide personalized information based on the user's website visit history and usage patterns

12.3. Refusal of Cookie Collection

-Cookies do not automatically or actively collect information that identifies individuals, and users have the choice to refuse cookie installation. Therefore, users can choose to allow all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is stored, or refuse all cookie storage by configuring the options in the web browser.

-Example of Configuration Method:

For Internet Explorer: Tool menu at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced Settings displayed at the bottom of the screen > Content Settings button in the Privacy section > Cookies

Chapter 13 Rights and Methods of Exercise for Users and Legal Representatives

13.1. Users and legal representatives can request access, correction/deletion, processing suspension, and withdrawal of consent for personal information related to registered users themselves or those under the age of 14 at any time. To do so, please contact the representative phone (+82 31-496-1514) or the personal information protection officer by phone or email, and prompt measures will be taken.

The company may refuse to allow access, correction, or deletion of all or part of personal information in the following cases:

- When access is prohibited or restricted by law.
- When there is a risk of harming the life or body of another person, or there is a concern of unjustly infringing on another person's property and other interests."

13.2. If a user requests correction of personal information errors, the company will not use or provide the personal information until the correction is completed. If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the results of the correction will be promptly notified to the third party.

Personal information that has been deleted/processing suspended at the request of users or legal representatives is handled in accordance with the [Chapter 4 Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information], and access or use for purposes other than specified cannot be done.

Users are responsible for entering their personal information accurately and keeping it up to date. The company is not responsible for accidents caused by inaccurate information entered by users, and membership qualifications may be lost if false information, including identity theft, is entered

.Users have the right to protect their personal information and also have an obligation not to infringe on the information of others. Please be cautious to prevent leakage of personal information, including passwords, and be careful not to damage the personal information of others, including in posts. Failure to fulfill these responsibilities and damage to the information and integrity of others may result in punishment under the [Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection] and other relevant laws.

Last Updated: 01.01.2024